Nosework Next Steps

toller alert in office search
Next Available Course
Held Fridays on 13, 20, 27 September, 7.30-9pm
Venue: St Aidans Church Hall, Poto Rd, Normandale
Cost: $120 inc GST
…Enrol Here…
The intermediary class between Introductions and our ongoing Advanced group who meet weekly. Next Steps takes the teams who have started some nosework skills – either with us, or elsewhere, and adds more challenges as they move to a confident alert response. Over 3 sessions we introduce  the elements encountered in “real-life” and competitive scent sports including exteriors, interiors and vehicles – while improving each team’s ability to solve the searching problems they are set. Classes can be modified to suit the individual teams needs – so being odour only is not a pre-requisite to join this level.

Behaviour Consultations

Appointments Available
Due to current committments Jan is not taking on new clients, except by referral, at this time
Location: In-Home
Cost: Initial session charge $320. The first session is 90 minutes, and includes an option for a 30 minute follow-up session via Zoom. Additional travel charges may apply depending on location. Additional options and packages for further training are available.
Enquire Here

Not all problems can be resolved with attending a group class. There are times when your dog’s issues would be best addressed by working with you and your dog alone, perhaps in your own home. Following the completion of a behavioural questionnaire, the initial consultation with an experienced, qualified behavioural trainer is supported by written materials and tailored notes to help find a solution best fitted to your dog’s needs. Common issues we address by private consultation include house-soiling, destructive behaviour, barking, fence running, fearfulness and on-lead aggression to name just a few.

Nosework Introductions

Next Available Course
Starting date tba (Send expression of interest via contact form)
Venue: to be confirmed – Lower Hutt
Cost: $180
Does your dog follow its nose? Tap into your dog’s unique sense of smell and have fun teaching them Detection Dogs skills, but in a pet-focused context. This class is suitable for ALL dogs of any age – even those with “issues,” or physical disabilities. Each handler and dog work alone and so need not be comfortable in group situations. This Introductory course runs over four weeks with an opportunity to continue into more advanced training by following on into a Next Steps course and then joining our Advanced Nosework group on Thursday evenings thereafter. Enrol Here