Nosework Next Steps

toller alert in office search
Next Available Course
Held Fridays on 13, 20, 27 September, 7.30-9pm
Venue: St Aidans Church Hall, Poto Rd, Normandale
Cost: $120 inc GST
…Enrol Here…
The intermediary class between Introductions and our ongoing Advanced group who meet weekly. Next Steps takes the teams who have started some nosework skills – either with us, or elsewhere, and adds more challenges as they move to a confident alert response. Over 3 sessions we introduce  the elements encountered in “real-life” and competitive scent sports including exteriors, interiors and vehicles – while improving each team’s ability to solve the searching problems they are set. Classes can be modified to suit the individual teams needs – so being odour only is not a pre-requisite to join this level.

Nosework Advanced Session

Toller searching office area

Thursdays from 7.30-9pm

Venues: Advised weekly through Google invite to participants. Throughout Wellington and the Hutt Valley.
Cost: $30 per session attended

This ongoing and socially supportive group meets weekly. Conquer new challenges with outdoor, vehicle and more advanced searches. Ideal for those considering entering  actual Nosework Trials or wanting to extend their Introductory training into more “real-life” challenges. Completion of Nosework Introductions or equivalent scent work with another organisation experience a pre-requisite. Dogs can be imprinted to Clove Bud, Sweet Birch, Cedarwood and Lemongrass

Nosework Next Steps

Next Available Courses
Start date tba – send expresion of interest
Four-week course

Continue developing your dog’s unique sense of smell and their skills at identifying and alerting on a special odour wherever it might be placed. Further develop your teamwork and handling skills in this new sport. This course will be specifically for dogs who have already completed a Nosework introductory course and understand the basic principles. Dogs with “issues,” or physical disabilities are welcome as each dog works with the handler alone and need not be comfortable in group situations. Nosework Next Steps is a three-week class ( 90 minutes sessions) and expands the odour recognition work begun in earlier Nosework classes to other environment and scenarios. Graduatesd are then invited to join the ongoing Advanced Nosework sessions on Thursday evenings. .

Nosework Introductions

Next Available Course
Starting date tba (Send expression of interest via contact form)
Venue: to be confirmed – Lower Hutt
Cost: $180
Does your dog follow its nose? Tap into your dog’s unique sense of smell and have fun teaching them Detection Dogs skills, but in a pet-focused context. This class is suitable for ALL dogs of any age – even those with “issues,” or physical disabilities. Each handler and dog work alone and so need not be comfortable in group situations. This Introductory course runs over four weeks with an opportunity to continue into more advanced training by following on into a Next Steps course and then joining our Advanced Nosework group on Thursday evenings thereafter. Enrol Here